Sunday, October 4, 2015

Reflection #5

We began the class by reviewing terms that we have learned, and reviewing the questions that will be seen on the exam.  Below are some of the questions Doc recommended we should know:

1. What is the three step production process and give examples of each?
Pre-production: writing, location scouting, planning, story-boarding
Production: actually shooting the piece
Post-production: editing, marketing, advertising

2. Describe three-point lighting? 
Key Light: the light that is directly on the face of the subject
Fill Light: the horizontal lighting
Back Light: the light that lights the back of the subject

3. What is the first rule for the interior lighting?
"Turn the lights off!"- Yoncé

4. What is the rule for shooting outside/exterior lighting?
Never shoot in the direction of the sun, use the such as a light source.

5. Give me four examples of shot composition.
Extreme Close-up 
Full Body

6. Writing/Create a Storyboard.
Rules of writing:
   1. Know your audience
   2. Begin with the end, or else
   3. Storyboard with pictures from beginning to end that have captions (draw in squares)

7. Evaluate how it is to work in a group, Doc Chris' performance, the direction of the class, and self-evaluation of understanding so far.


~ Then we discussed the rules of writing ~
1. Know your audience

2. Begin with the end in mind, or else -- what it is that I want to say that will get people or another person to do x (whatever I want?)

3. Storyboard: create with pictures from beginning to end, by drawing in squares and adding captions


***Finally, we discussed the secret of production scheduling, which is: reverse, work back*** from your due date and give yourself more time than you need!

Then Doc assigned different tasks to the groups in the class - one group working with Greg, others helping with production, the third group working with the Twinternet Show, and finally my group helping with Paul to continue producing his show.  After reviewing the questions for the exam, I felt really confident with the material because we have gone over it multiple times and applied it.  I thought Doc Chris did a great job of going through the review with us and highlighting the key points we have discussed in class.  Once again this wasn't really a group oriented class, therefore there isn't much to evaluate my group on.  I am still enjoying the direction of the class and am excited for what is to come!

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